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Fun Events!

Aside from just being cute and playful; dachshunds love a challenge! There are many events you can try out with your pup and if you and your doxie put in the work, it can earn your dachshund some titles, ribbons, bragging rights, etc.

AKC Scent Work

The dog locates and indicates (by signaling their handler) a specific scent in 4 elements- interior(indoors), exterior (outdoors), buried (in sand or water), and containers (boxes, bags). The scent is one drop of scented oil on a cotton swab head.


AKC Earthdog

Locating and tracking the scent trail of a rat that requires the dog to enter an underground tunnel. The rat is enclosed so the dog doesn't actually "catch" it.

AKC Coursing ability

300 yard chase of a lure at high speeds in an open field with turns

AKC Fast Cat

100 yard chase of a lure, straight course that's fenced in.

AKC Barn Hunt

Finding a live rat in a protective tube hidden in a barn like setting with hay bales. The dog is also required to jump on a bale once and go through a hay bale tunnel.

AKC Dachshund Field Trials

For purebred dachshunds only (no other breeds). This is done 2 dachshunds at a time, find and track a rabbit scent. They are not expected to hunt or find the rabbit, just follow the scent. The dog is judged by how well they can follow the scent.

Man trailing

This is not an AKC event yet. It is being introduced here from Europe. The dog is introduced to an item belonging to the human to be found. The dog must then find the human

So far (as Summer 2024) a few dogs bred by me have been competing.


But one has excelled and competed in many of these events, and has titled in them! I feel it is a team effort, but his owner/handler/dog mom swears it's all him and she just "takes him there". If anyone is interested, whether your dog is from us or not, reach out to Kerstin for info/questions. She has a real passion for these events. I'd love to be able to post pics all over my site of these wonderful champs!

Q-Tip Midnight Marauder CAA DCAT SWE RATN FITB

The letters behind his name are all the titles he's achieved with AKC, he also has 2 -4th places and a NBQ in Dachshund Field Trials and his NW2 with NACSW, DDCN(Detection Dog Classic Novice) for United States Canines Scent Sports(USCSS) and Nosework Novice with the UKC

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Q-Tip is a chocolate and tan dapple wirehair male! He's too cute!


In Sept 2023, I had a pup born who I hoped could "go all the way" with these sports. It didn't take much to convince Kerstin to take on yet another dachshund. She did a ton of research and I added a few extra things that I do with pups now that I didn't do before. We co-own this cute little girl and at 5 months she achieved her first title!


Meree's Brunhilde Thinking Of A Master Plan SCN VSWB

Call Name: Biz Markie

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Meree's Ivan The Not So Wild MW SCN SIN SBN


This boy was born here, but raised with/by Brittaney with Brit's Doxie Crossing. She's been working with him and taking him to nosework classes and it is paying off! He is co-owned by both of us. Three titles in scent work so far! Stay tuned, there will be more!

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Virtual Titles

If you and your doxie think you don't have the time to go to these events, but would still like to try something new and maybe win a title or three, AKC now offers several options to do some even from the comfort of your home! Each event will have some regulations that need to be followed, but ultimately you can set up a camera or have someone video it for you, you submit the recording to AKC and wait for the results! Some of these titles are as easy as going for walks with your best bud!


Check them out here:

There are also events that are held by other kennel clubs; UKC is one of them. Each has their own rules, point system etc.

If your dog has a good nose you might want to test it out with National Association of Canine Scent Work's (NACSW) trial's that are held all over the country.

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